Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Have you ever discovered a blog that you absolutely loved.......thought the author was just couldn't wait 'til the next fabulous posting??? Me TOO!

It seems as if, lately, I've spent so much time enjoying those fabulous other blogspots that I've neglected my own. Shame on me. Well,, I cannot feel guilty. I derive too much enjoyment from reading all of the other wonderful goings on & viewing their incredible artwork.

And, while speaking of artwork, I'm absolutely over the (full) moon with my latest find! I'd been eyeing this little treasure on Etsy for a while, but by the time I was ready to make my purchase, it was gone! Darn my eyes, I am such a procrastinator! I was able to write to the artist and ask if she had another she'd part with! Bless her soul, she did! Now I wait by the mailbox every day, breathless with anticipation. I've even purchased a frame for it already so I can place it on my wall as soon as it arrives!

CROW by Rima Staines
For anyone who has not yet discovered this talented artist, please check out Rima Staines at She is a lovely, interesting soul living in the UK. I am always delighted to discover another interesting soul, aren't you!?

AND.........speaking of a full moon. I shall once again turn to the Farmer's Almanac for their full moon wisdom. They say the lovely August full moon is called the Sturgeon Moon. It seems that these large fish of the Great Lakes were more readily caught during this month. Other names for this late summer moon include the Green Corn Moon or Grain Moon. Ah, but my favorite is the Full Red Moon. It seems that our little Man in the Moon may appear at times reddish when viewed through our sultry summer hazes. (For any non-romantics out there, read "pollution".)
Has anyone seen a Full Red Moon. I cannot recall ever seeing one. A red Sol, yes.....but Luna, no.

So, another night spent full moon gazing. Looking out at all the world shining with an other-worldly silvery glow recharges my soul and makes anything seem possible.....which it is.

Happy Red Moon to all.

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